Therapy for Anxiety and Stress Management

in New York and New Jersey

Your relationships don’t offer the support or safety you wish they did—instead, there’s lots of people pleasing, Trying to diffuse arguments, or not feeling understood. Some days, you might not recognize you’ve lost the motivation or confidence that used to come naturally .

Allow me to Hold Space for You While you Find Your Way back to Yourself

Imagine feeling …
  • Clear  
  •  Fulfilled 
  • Empowered
  • Imagine feeling a sense of clarity when making decisions, allowing you to move forward with confidence in your choices. At the end of the day, you feel fulfilled knowing that you have done what is important to you, and that your actions have aligned with your values. You are empowered to pursue your passions and prioritize your time in a way that is meaningful to you. With a grounded mindset, you are able to fully enjoy the present moment with your children, loved ones or peers without worrying about the past or future. You feel confident about yourself – your values, your decisions, and your actions. Finally, you are guilt-free about setting firm boundaries and holding your ground, knowing that it is necessary for your well-being and the well-being of those around you.

    Therapy for Anxiety, Self Esteem and Stress management can help you Feel

    • Empowered 
    • Determined 
    • Motivated 
    • Secure

    Things we can work on in Therapy for Anxiety, Self Esteem and stress management

    • Personal Growth
    • Emotional Intelligence 
    • Increasing Confidence and Self-Esteem 
    • Developing and use of Coping Strategies

    It's possible to quiet down the inner critic in your head

     Learn how to differentiate between the perceived thoughts vs the facts so that you are no longer consumed with overthinking and worry. 

    Frequently Asked Questions about [Therapy for Anxiety and Self Esteem]

    There are many factors that can contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress, including genetic predisposition, past traumatic experiences, job related stress, and certain medical conditions. It’s important to talk to a healthcare professional if you are experiencing anxiety symptoms that are impacting your daily life, as they can help you determine the cause and provide treatment options.

    Length of treatment depends on specific needs and on severity and receptivity of the treatment.   Treatment cycles last from 12 weeks (3 months + )

    Gain a better understanding of your thoughts and emotions: A therapist can help you identify and understand the thoughts and emotions that contribute to your anxiety and stress. This can help you develop coping strategies and make positive changes in your life.

    1. Learn effective coping skills: Therapy can provide you with a range of coping skills and techniques to manage anxiety and stress, such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and cognitive-behavioral strategies.
    2. Address underlying issues: Sometimes, anxiety and stress can be a symptom of deeper emotional or psychological issues. A therapist can help you address and work through these underlying issues to reduce the impact of anxiety and stress on your life.
    3. Develop a personalized treatment plan: A therapist can work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that takes into account your unique needs and circumstances. This can help you make progress more effectively and efficiently than if you tried to manage anxiety and stress on your own.
    4. Improve overall well-being: By reducing anxiety and stress levels, therapy can also improve your overall sense of well-being, including improving sleep, enhancing relationships, and increasing overall happiness.
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