Therapy Online in New York and New Jersey

Helping You To Transition Gracefully Into The Next Phase

Are you feeling…
  •  Stuck at a crossroads after experiencing a sudden lay off at work?
  •  Lost or confused after that sudden breakup? 
  •  Out-of-place after the birth of a new child? 
Are you ready to…
  • Find your rhythm again?  
  • Figure out how to navigate personal relationships after an addition to the family in a way that works for you? 
  • stop following the status quo?
  • start living a life that brings joy and fulfillment to you?  

Life transitions can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially when it comes to starting a new chapter in your life.  While some changes can bring on a sense of relief or anticipation, others may incite feelings of anxiety, uncertainty or sadness.  At times, these emotions can be so overwhelming that they affect our daily life, making it difficult to cope with new situations and manage day to day tasks.  

If you are struggling with significant changes in your life and experiencing feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and confusion as you are going through this change.  Life transitions therapy can help support you through this journey.  

Just Because it’s Heavy Doesn’t Mean You Have to Carry It Alone

Imagine finally being able to think about the future without being overtaken with overwhelming feelings of dread.  Or imagine feeling prepared with tangible solutions when  you feel anxious. It is possible to feel better equipped handling whatever day-to-day struggles life throws your way.

I  will provide a safe space where you can explore ??.to help support your journey and offer reassurance and support.  I want you to have ownership of your experience and will always encourage you to tap into yourself to seek out answers and to connect with your higher self.  I’ll be right there with you through this process and will serve as a guide to  aid in self discovery.   

 We can work together in addressing all your needs in an organized way that makes you feel in control and equipped with the skills to help regain balance. 

Therapy for Life Transitions can help you:

  • Improve mental clarity and confidence as you enter this new phase
  • Identify strategies to help manage intense situations 
  • Be more confident in setting personal boundaries
  • Improve effective use of communication skills 
  • Improve general happiness and sense of fulfillment 

Change Can Bring Up Feelings of Uncertainty

Let me hold space for your process and walk alongside your journey 

Frequently Asked Questions about [Life Transition Therapy]

Life transitions can vary based on many factors and are personal to the individual’s experience. What may seem like a big transition to one person may not feel that way to someone else. These transitions can be positive, negative, planned, or unexpected and still have a strong effect emotionally.

The goal of life transitions therapy  is to help individuals get through these emotionally taxing life changes using healthy coping mechanisms.  Some of the strategies used are reframing negative thought patterns, reducing external stressors and focusing on stress management.  Engaging in social positive interactions and learning how to identify and express feelings in a healthy manner.   These strategies can help lighten the initial shock of the change while also allowing hope for the future

Job changes

  • Health problems
  • Disabling accidents/tragedy
  • Marriage
  • Birth
  • Divorce/Breakups
  • Death
  • Moving
  • Travel
  • Social changes
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